North Dakota Soft Tissue Injury Attorney

Soft tissue injury

Soft tissue injuries are some of the most commonly diagnosed injuries after a person has been involved in a car accident. Many people make the mistake of underestimating a soft tissue injury because they can be difficult to diagnose and often cannot be resolved by surgery and other more invasive medical interventions. The truth is, however, that soft tissue injuries can be quite painful, especially when not properly treated. They can also place restrictions on a person’s ability to go about their day-to-day life.

If you have been involved in a car accident, whether it was moderate or serious in nature, it is very likely that you have sustained a soft tissue injury. As such, you should seek immediate medical attention and comply with your doctor’s recommendation for follow-up care. If you were injured in an accident caused by the negligence of someone else, you are entitled to pursue monetary damages to cover costs such as medical care, lost wages, and more. Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys is here to help see to it that all of your losses resulting from the accident are properly compensated.

Common Soft Tissue Injuries

A soft tissue injury is one where the soft tissue, such as muscle ligaments or tendons, in the body sustains damage. Some soft tissue injuries occur due to overuse. Other times, a soft tissue injury is acute. In other words, it is the result of sudden trauma, such as involvement in a motor vehicle crash.

Some of the most common soft tissue injuries are:

  • Whiplash: Whiplash might be the best-known soft tissue injury and also one of the most commonly sustained injuries in motor vehicle accidents. This injury gets its name from the fact that it happens when the head and neck are forcefully thrown forward and then snap back, like a whip. Those who suffer from whiplash will likely experience neck and back pain as well as stiffness in the neck.
  • Sprains: A sprain is a stretching or tearing of a ligament. Ligaments are connective tissue tasked with holding the end of one bone onto the end of another bone. Ligaments in joints like knees, ankles, and wrists are particularly susceptible to stretching or tearing in an accident.
  • Strains: A strain is when a muscle or tendon has sustained injury. Tendons are tasked with attaching muscles to bones and strains most often occurring in the legs or back. A strain can range in severity from overstretching to tearing, either partial or complete. When a muscle or tendon is strained, it can result in pain and muscle spasms as well as swelling and cramping. Inflammation of the area is also possible.
  • Contusions: In laymen’s terms, a contusion is a bruise. This soft tissue injury is caused by a strike to the skin. As a result, connective tissue beneath the skin is crushed, but the skin does not break. The discoloration of a bruise is caused by the pooling of blood around the injured area. Bruising is common in car accidents as vehicle occupants often make forceful contact with various areas inside the car.

In addition to being painful, soft tissue injuries can greatly impact a person’s range of motion. Loss of full function of the injured area is a common side effect of a soft tissue injury. Symptoms associated with soft tissue injuries can quickly be exacerbated if proper medical attention is not received in a timely manner.

The Dangers

Soft tissue injuries can be particularly dangerous because they often go undiagnosed or are not properly treated. Many who walk away from an accident with a soft tissue injury try to treat themselves as opposed to seeking professional medical attention. Instead of going to a doctor, the injured person may seek out aspirin and a compression wrap from their local pharmacy to try and relieve their symptoms.

When left untreated, soft tissue injuries can quickly worsen. The damage could turn debilitating and irreparable or require invasive medical treatments, such as surgery. When a soft tissue injury is quickly diagnosed and proper treatment is administered by a medical professional, it is likely that the soft tissue injury can be resolved without the need for invasive procedures and the recovery time can be vastly shortened.

Treatment for Soft Tissue Injuries

A soft tissue injury must first be properly diagnosed, which will require a thorough medical evaluation. Once diagnosed, a treatment and recovery plan will be put in place. Soft tissue injuries often require continued care and maintenance so they do not reappear. As part of the treatment plan, your doctor may recommend:

  • Rest
  • Hot and cold therapies
  • Compression
  • Elevation
  • Refraining from certain exercises
  • Immobilization
  • Physical therapy

Contact Our North Dakota Soft Tissue Injury Attorney Today

Soft tissue injury cases can be tricky. Insurance companies love to try and dismiss soft tissue injuries as being mild or preexisting. Our team does not let the insurance companies get away with this. We understand that accident victims who have sustained soft tissue injuries can be in a great deal of pain and can feel the injury’s effects throughout different aspects of their lives. Count on us to be your advocate in the face of resistance. We fight for you to receive full and fair compensation for your accident damages. Contact us today for a free consultation.