car hit in a hit and run accident
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Navigate the challenging aftermath of a hit and run accident with this comprehensive guide. Understand your rights, explore the steps to take immediately following the incident, and learn how to pursue a personal injury claim despite the absence of the at-fault party. This blog post provides valuable insights to help you recover both emotionally and financially from such an unfortunate event.

What Should You Do After a Hit and Run Accident?

After a hit and run accident, stay calm. We realize this is likely easier said than done, but it is important to keep a cool head in order to take the steps you need to stay safe and protect your legal rights after being in such a traumatic event. Resist any urge you may have to try and follow the vehicle that hit you and flee the scene. This is much more likely to do more harm than good. Instead, remain at the scene and move yourself and your vehicle to a safe place.

Call 911 so that law enforcement and, if needed, emergency medical personnel are dispatched to the accident scene. Law enforcement involvement means that official documentation of the accident will begin immediately and an official accident report will be generated as a result. You should also take your own steps to document the accident. 

As soon as possible, write down any details you remember about the accident and the hit and run driver. Do you remember any identifying characteristics of the driver? Did you note the make, model, and/or color of the vehicle? Do you remember the license plate, at least in part? Write it all down while it is still fresh in your memory.

You should also take pictures of the scene and the damages sustained. Talk to any witnesses and get their names and contact information. It is also best that you get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Immediate medical attention can be the strongest step towards ensuring any accident injuries you sustained are properly treated and that your injuries are thoroughly documented right from the beginning. Medical records are, after all, going to be key pieces of evidence to support any personal injury claim you may choose to pursue.

As far as available compensation you may pursue after a hit and run accident, it may very well be the case that the hit and run driver will never be found. As such, their insurance coverage will not be available. Uninsured motorist coverage, however, will likely apply if you have such coverage under your insurance policy. Furthermore, you will be able to access other coverage under your own insurance policy depending on what type of coverage you opted for. In seeking compensation for the harm you have suffered, you may be able to pursue coverage for damages such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Cost of future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

North Dakota Personal Injury Attorneys

After a hit and run accident, you do not have to go it alone. Get the dedicated personal injury team at Pringle & Herigstad by your side. Contact us today.