Looking for blind spot in car mirror on a road.
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If part of your windshield was blacked out, you would get it fixed because it’s foolish to drive partially blind. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of American drivers drive blind every day thanks to the common mistake of failing to check blind spots. What are blind spots? Let’s explain.

Explaining Blind Spots

Blind spots are areas around a car where the driver can’t see other drivers around them. In a passenger vehicle, blind spots start at the tip of the driver and passenger side mirrors and extend diagonally into other lanes.

Due to blindspots, a driver cannot see other drivers with their mirrors if they are traveling alongside his or her rear side doors. However, there is a trick that can eliminate blind spots, looking over one’s shoulder.

Eliminating Blind Spots

Blind spots are tricky to deal with, but you can remove them by looking over your shoulder. Looking over your shoulder lets you check through your rear side door windows for other drivers.

For example, let’s assume you are driving in the lefthand lane and need to exit in the rightmost lane. If you only check your mirrors before making a lane change, you could hit someone in your righthand blind spot.

To prevent this from happening, you need to look over your shoulder to check your rear passenger side window for another driver. If this area is clear, then you can make your lane change safely!

Injured by Someone Else’s Negligence?

While you now know how to check blind spots, other drivers will continue to make lane changes without checking. If you or a loved one were in a car accident due to someone’s failure to check their blind spots, you may have the right to sue.

Pringle & Herigstad, P.C. can help you with your case. Contact our North Dakota personal injury lawyers at (855) 245-5100 for a free consultation concerning your injuries!